When Is It Time for a Toddler Bed?
The time has come, how did this happen so quickly? Has the bassinet been packed away and the cot days are numbered? Does your co-sleeping bubba physically taken over the WHOLE bed? (or maybe this has always been the case ...) This is the next big step in your little ones.. and let's be honest.. your sleep journey. It's exciting, it's a huge step in independence and we've got together some great tips and products to support your little one as they head into their toddler years.
Let's talk about if your little one is ready for a toddler bed. What are the signs? When is it time?
- They have already or are attempting to climb out of their cot.
- They are about 3 feet tall or their chest is higher that the bars of the cot.
- There is a sibling on the way. We recommend starting the transition 3-4 months before baby arrives.
- They have expressed an intrest in wanting a big kids bed.
- They are confident in walking and have the motor skills to climb in and out of a bed on their own.
- They are no longer in a sleep suit or sack.
- You are ready. As a parent you are ready to move into this next stage and have the confidence this works for your family.
A Seamless (sometimes) Transition
Place their new bed in the same position as their cot was. If there was a mobile hanging, leave this in position. Your little one will have the same view they have always had. Same same....but different.
Patience. This will take time. Patience and consistency- the moto of parenting. Like each transitional time before and to come, we recommend no sudden changes to your routine. If bedtime was within a certain time window each night, stay to this routine. Your little one will challenge their boundaries. There WILL be some up, down, up, down nights. This is completely normal and the rinse and repeat theory comes into full swing here. Guide them back to bed and start your good night kisses again. Rinse Repeat.
There WILL be nights you will fall asleep on the floor next to them. There WILL be nights they will end up back in bed with you. There WILL be nights where routine goes out the window. Everyone needs sleep and it is OK to call it when everything you have tried just isn't working. Tomorrow is a new day and it will get better.
Toddler Beds
Let's make this fun! Include your toddler in this time and allow them to make some choices in their new room. You may decide this is the time to theme a room and move away from the nursery look or you can build on the look you have already and include some fun.
Considerations when choosing your toddlers bed. Do you need storage? If so which way should the drawers open? What size bed will be best? Do you want your toddler bed to convert to a single bed for the next transition? (Can't even think about that right now but it's worth considering) Would a trundle bed be great for sleepovers? Or Bunks? Simple or epic? Here's some fab suggestions for you.

The Bedding
The bedding you choose is a great way to really build the theme. Animals, dinosaurs, diggers, fairies, pastel, neutral, bright and bold, rain forest or tropical. We've chosen our favourites below. Which ones do you love?

We hope you find this helpful and you've got this! We'd love to see the spaces you create!
Emma and the Riff Raff Team x